what i’m farming and why you should farm it as well

a thoroughly updated and relevant airdrop hunting guide/glossary/encyclopedia by katexbt

🎯 How to get started?

Introduction & Social Links

Welcome to my comprehensive guide - a few things to say to you before you get into the wonderful world of airdrop farming:

read this tweet thread so you know what to expect out of crypto in general:


the ultimate mindset guide on approaching airdrops

no seriously, i know you didnt click it, click it, read it, its only 5 minutes but it will make you actually be able to make use of this whole page.

▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽▽ https://x.com/katexbt/status/1879357829900816667 △△△△△△△△△△△△△△

OK, if you’ve done this, congratulations - you are now ready to start your journey. 🍾

As mentioned multiple times on

The tools I have at your disposal and how you can get in touch not just with me (I am a nobody and not that smart, so it’s not that +EV just to rely on me), but also with other likeminded serious individuals is through these 3 venues:

  1. Telegram News Channel

kate's happy airdrops, guides, news, updates [2025 millionaires arc]

Here I post stuff like claim links, new projects, news from Twitter, funny and educational content, links to things that I also DM my friends and post in other GCs, or sometimes alpha I’ve sourced from other groups. Reflinks and realtime moves/apes that I just did

Do not click any of the links in the comments on you might see on the news posts that I post, as they’re most likely bots (I keep the comments open because I believe in discussion and opinions in realtime, but please be careful). The links I post in the news itself are mostly safe but as always with crypto, verify, don’t just trust blindly.

  1. Telegram Discussion Group

KHAG - Kate's Happy Airdrops Group

As mentioned - this one is where you’ll find a structured list of projects, categorized, and where you can freely discuss stuff, trading setups, bridge farming, depin farming, hyperliquid farming, pretty much everything and anything you can get your hands on.

It’s free, always will be - sometimes there will be a limit hit since I keep it semi-private for bot reasons but if you ask nicely I will always ask you to.

  1. Finally, the true final boss ‘paid’ private group - KHAG Inner Sanctum, where I am most active on and divulge my positions in pretty much realtime and share the most.

kate's happy airdrops, guides, news, updates [2025 millionaires arc]


Here's a sample of how it looks on a regular day - 53 members, lots of join requests (which get auto-approved if you own at least 3 kateSOL).

The guide on how to enter is in the TG above, basically hold 3 kateSOL, join the link, and bot asks you to connect manually, and that's it.

The kateSOL is always worth the same as SOL and you can quit any time. How do I earn from this, or rather, how much do I get from this?

barely 5 cents a day per SOL held..provided sol is above 200…so from you..i'd get…15 cents times 30= so $4.5 total..per month, arguably the cheapest thing ever..and you also get to be active on Sanctum via this too. I'd say it's a win-win.

At any rate, let us begin - I will be very brief for these and disclose pretty much 2-3 things that I like/dislike about each project I am in, how much I am farming it with in terms of % focus and portfolio, and why.

As I optimize, rebalance, and have more stuff to add here, I will add a timestamp (17/01/2025, e.g.) next to any new comment lines I’ve made on each project, for relevancy.

Note: The links are usually reflinks, but I will never ever shill a reflink in a way that it only benefits me at your expense. Each and every reflink shared either benefits us both, or gives a benefit to me at ZERO cost to you. While you can always use no reflink, or self-refer your wallets, time has shown that companies like Alium will catch you and potentially screw you over for later airdrops..so..I’d just use mine if I were you, I use other people’s reflinks all the time from the KHAG chats, again, because it doesn’t cost us anything, and it’s good karma. ✍️

For more detailed thoughts, what my pf structure looks like, please consult the first two links above (news channel, discussion channel) and if you want a more up-to-date response - then the Sanctum private group.